My kludge:

Put tenor clef in second bar.
Remove barline from first bar.
Set pick up measure to 30EDU

Steve P.

On 9 Oct 2012, at 15:04, Robert Patterson wrote:

> I'm working on an 19th century piece that uses a convention that, for
> example, if a cello starts the piece in tenor clef, it shows bass clef, key
> sig, time sig, then a small tenor clef. I cannot figure out how to get
> Finale to do this. When I click "Place Clef After Barline" on a small clef
> change, it shows where I want it, but it also changes the beginning clef to
> tenor, defeating the purpose.
> I know I can do some kind of elaborate workaround with staff styles and
> expressions, but does anyone know a way to make the actual clef tool work
> this way?
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