I have experienced this problem, also. The hot key won't work, selecting
single or multiple notes won't work. It's definitely NOT a layer problem for
me. Exiting & restarting Finale sometimes works. Working with different
tools and coming back to articulations has sometimes worked. I work almost
exclusively at zoom level 3 (user defined at 65%). I'll try switching zoom

Maybe I should start another thread, but has anyone experienced more
frequent crashes with Fin 2014 (I'm using Win7)? Previously, a very rare
occurrence, but now, several times per session. I suspect it's connected to
my simultaneous use of Transcribe!, but this didn't seem to be a problem
before. I'm Ctrl-S-ing much more frequently now, and I really miss the edit
toolbar (no handy save, print, undo, redo buttons).

|-----Original Message-----
|From: finale-boun...@shsu.edu [mailto:finale-boun...@shsu.edu] On Behalf Of
|Scott Jones
|Make sure you have not accidentally changed the layer you are working in
|accidentally.  That drives me bananas when I do that accidentally.
|> On Jan 17, 2014, at 19:41, Craig Parmerlee <cr...@acticalc.com> wrote:
|> Has anybody experienced this?  Working in scroll most at zoom level 2
|> (Ctrl-2) on a Windows 7 system, I kept getting into a case where I
|> couldn't apply articulations.  

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