Yes David, I also think you would have to buy another installation for Windows 
to install using Parallels.



Giovanni Andreani

>On 6/8/2014 5:05 AM, Michael Lawlor wrote:
>> I have been considering upgrading Finale (still using 2009) and with the
>> demise of support for XP, will need to upgrade that first.  Does anyone
>> have any comments / observations on the usability of Windows 7 versus 8
>> or 8.1 or if I should even jump ship, and get a new machine running MAC?
>> Regards,
>> Michael Lawlor
>You do ask the hard questions!  :-)
>I have had no problems running Windows 7 nor have I had any problems 
>running Windows8 or 8.1.  I will say that I hate the "Metro" aspect of 
>Windows 8 so I searched online and found the setting which allows my 
>computer to boot to the desktop so it's just like every version of 
>windows before 8, only I can make use of the Metro interface if I want.
>However if I needed to buy another computer I would be sorely tempted to 
>buy a Mac, having watched my daughter use her MacBook Pro for the past 
>year and a half.  She loves it and never once has she said to me "Dad, I 
>have a problem with my computer, can  you help me?"
>The only thing holding me back is that there are two Windows-based 
>products which aren't available in comparable Mac versions: 
>Band-in-a-Box and WordPerfect.  WordPerfect isn't available for Mac at 
>all and BIAB's Mac version seriously lags behind the Windows version.  I 
>understand that I could run those under Parallels but then I would have 
>to buy another installation for Windows to install there (Unless I 
>misunderstand how Parallels works, which may well be the case).
>But if you look into Macs and check out the Mac versions of whatever 
>software you want to use, you might be surprised at what a nice 
>computing environment it is.  It's not without it's problems, as 
>witnessed by the many messages on this Finale list about problems where 
>the solution seems to be to trash some Preferences folder or some Font 
>If you want to stay in the Windows world, either Win7 or Win8 (or 8.1) 
>should be fine -- just be warned it's a very different world from WinXP. 
>  I made the transition gradually through WinVista so it was a gradual 
>change.  Jumping from WinXP will need some adjustment time.
>David H. Bailey
>Finale mailing list
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