Just to double-check: You selected the entire document *first*, before the
edit/clear sequence?

On Thu, February 26, 2015 3:00 pm, Michael Lawlor wrote:
> I selected "edit key velocities" and then selected "clear" but it had no
> effect on the volume.
> Regards,
> Michael
> On 26/02/2015 11:41, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
>> On Thu, February 26, 2015 6:25 am, Michael Lawlor wrote:
>>> [Finale 2009]
>>> I have made some significant changes to a piece, moving large chunks
>>> around and deleting music.  The result is that some of the dynamics
>>> heard in playback are now bizarre, even though there are no dynamics
>>> displayed in the score.  I suspect there maybe dynamics hiding that are
>>> still making their presence known.  Is there somewhere I can reset
>>> dynamics and not have to enter the music from scratch?
>> I don't recall the exact setup of 2009, but I think it hasn't changed much.
>> Choose the Midi tool and select the whole score. From the Midi Tools menu,
>> select "Edit Key Velocities" and choose 'clear'. You can do the same for
>> "Edit
>> Note Durations" and "Edit Tempo".
>> Dennis
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