On 1/12/2016 1:05 PM, Robert Patterson wrote:
> Is there away to set an ending always to be skipped? I have an optional 1st
> ending that I never want to hear in playback, regardless of "Ignore
> Repeats" settings. The option to skip the ending is not jumping out at me.

I don't see any easy way, but the workaround I've found isn't too onerous:
1) in the repeat tool duplicate the D.S. al Fine instruction and edit
the font to be hidden.
2) select this new hidden D.S. al Fine in the repeat tool and set the
target measure number to be the start of the 2nd ending.

This worked in my short 3 measure example so I see no reason why it
shouldn't work for you in a more major piece.

David H. Bailey

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