One word:  BACKUP??

This could also be a OS issue.  What version of Mac OS are you running.  More 
info on your Mac system could help out here.

J D Thomas

> On Apr 9, 2016, at 10:39 AM, Michael Dutka <> wrote:
> Hi, folks. Working on a long opera for years now, running Finale 10 on a
> MacBook Pro, and all of a sudden Finale can't find the folder I store it in.
> Finder finds the folder, and recently modified files show up in the
> recently modified files menu, but I can't save changes to the right folder,
> because it doesn't show up in the menu with the 'save as' command.
> Opened and closed Finale, rebooted, everything. Any ideas, suggestions?
> Thanks!
>        Mike
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