You can open your file in Fin 2014, enter the tempo tool changes, and then
reopen it in Fin25. Fin25 will still play back the tempo tool. The only
level that was removed appears to have been the U.I.

Years ago, Jari Williamsson offered a plugin to do easy Tempo Tool changes
called JW Tempo. It still works in Fin2014, but I can't find a recent
download link for it. Nor can I find a newer plugin that incorporates the
same functions. It seems like a 64-bit version of it might have a lot of
utility. Does anyone know if one of his more recent plugins incorporates JW

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 4:21 AM, Haroldo Mauro <> wrote:

> Finale Mac (Marvericks) 2014.d
> I often use the Tempo Tool to slow down just one part of a measure, when I
> feel that keeping a straight pulse sounds unnatural. For example, when the
> whole orchestra stops for a rest on a last beat and resumes playing on the
> following measure. It might sound rushed sometimes, even though the pulse
> is kept. Then, say the metronome is 88, I change it to 75 just for that
> last beat with the Tempo Tool, and back to 88 on he next beat. It makes me
> happy and leaves no markings in the score. Now how would I do that one beat
> slow-down without the Tempo Tool, in Finale 25? Thanks!
> Harold
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