On Sun, February 19, 2017 8:31 am, David H. Bailey wrote:
> Wow!  No, sorry, I don't have a better way.  And I am sorry that you
> have such a finicky client.  I do hope you're billing by the hour and
> not by the frame or the item.

A very serious error in observation on my part. I usually quote a large job by
looking at the score, and only by hour on short(ish) pieces that require a new
setup, etc. This is the third score I've done for this composer -- and it has
been a disaster. The working score was a photocopy of a photocopy of a pencil
manuscript (the original was lost in a fire). That was hard enough, but I
didn't realize that the composer was going to insist on every non-standard and
difficult action that have no purpose other than that tiring 1970s-style
cleverness (like those notes that cross staves, a behavior which occupies
about 90% of the score).

My income has been less than minimum wage on this, and it's still not done. :(
 Fortunately, I have given up client engraving, and this is my last leftover


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