I hate to contradict David, whose posts are generally dead-on, but...

Give a violin part to 10 violinists and you'll get at least 11 different 

Neal Gittleman 

Sent from my iPhone
(so please excuse any tap-pos!)

> On Aug 15, 2017, at 2:56 PM, David H. Bailey <dhbaile...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On 8/15/2017 3:14 PM, Michael Dutka wrote:
>> Hi, folks. Reviewing a fairly large opera score, about 160 minutes of
>> music, and one thing that would be phenomenally helpful is some kind of
>> plug-in or app that would let Finale users see every up and down bow, even
>> when they're not written in.
>> The string players I've spoken to don't like it when I write in every
>> bowing mark, and ask me only to write them in when they're not obvious. But
>> it's easy for me (as a non-string player) to lose track, and possibly write
>> in a bad bowing combination, and we all know what working out problems
>> during rehearsals with live musicians costs.
>> Is there any such thing around? Anything one of you brilliant plug-in/app
>> writers would want to create? I, for one, would pay a lot of money for
>> something like that, and can't think I'm the only one.
>> Just curious. Thanks,
> Give a violin part to 10 violinists to bow and you'll get 10 different 
> sets of bowing.
> There's no single way of bowing that everybody would agree on so no 
> plug-in would ever work.
> The best a plug-in could do would be to indicate alternating up and down 
> bows on each articulated note in sequence and indicate a single bowing 
> at the start of a slur.  But I'm not sure why you would want such a 
> plug-in, since no matter what you indicate the concertmaster will change it.
> Best to leave the bowings unmarked unless there is something you 
> definitely want on an up-bow or a down-bow.  And mark those sparingly. 
> Leave such things to the people who will be playing the parts.
> -- 
> *****
> David H. Bailey
> dhbaile...@comcast.net
> http://www.davidbaileymusicstudio.com
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