I find both yours and Jari’s plugs are indispensable. I’m happy to advertise 
them. Any user who doesn’t have them is walking with their shoelaces tied 

Steve P. 

> On 27 Mar 2019, at 15:58, Robert Patterson <rob...@robertgpatterson.com> 
> wrote:
> The Tantacrul Youtube channel recently published a good critique video of
> MuseScore. The channel has already published one on Sibelius and is
> promising one for Dorico and Finale as well. In the Fin/Sib wars, the
> author is definitely a Sib partisan, though he hates the design layout of
> Sib. Therefore I fully expect his Finale video will be a complete pan (with
> much of it doubtless justified).
> I have never disputed that Finale's usuability is pretty terrible, *unless
> you integrate 3rd party plugins* into your workflow. A great example comes
> at this point in the MuseScore
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hZxo96x48A&t=1653s> video. The author
> correctly notes how much slower MuseScore is than Sibelius. And honestly,
> they both seem like they may beat out native Finale. However, they both are
> repetitive solutions that grow in a linear relation with the number of
> staves and number of measures. By contrast, if you incorporate my Mass Copy
> plugin into this task, you only make the change once and then copy to as
> many staves and measures as you select with a single click. The length of
> time required is no longer related to the number of staves/bars and is
> *much* faster than either technique in the video.
> This post is not intended to be an advertisement. Finale has many
> indispensable 3rd party plugins I didn't write, including free ones. I am
> mainly posting this here because I thought the group might be interested in
> Tantacrul's quite entertaining videos. And I also wanted to note how
> Finale's powerful 3rd party plugin interface keeps it competitive in the
> face of mounting serious challengers.
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