After spending the weekend downgrading from Catalina to Mojave, I would 
recommend not updating to Catalina. I had some minor problems with Finale. The 
bigger issue was that my audio interface became unusable. I thought I could 
wait it out until the drivers were updated, but soon my whole system became 
erratic. I rebooted 10 times on Friday trying to figure out what was causing my 
problems. My best guess is that Catalina doesn’t play nice with USB. My mouse 
and keyboard randomly stopped working. My MIDI keyboard was a mess. Even hard 
drives were acting up. It became so unusable that I decided the only solution 
was too downgrade.

I admire that Apple is a forward-looking company, but they left many of us 
behind with this new upgrade. I will likely ride out the next few years using 
10.14 and all my old gear. When I have the funds to upgrade all my USB gear to 
Thunderbolt, I’ll buy a new MacBook Pro and switch to the new system.

>>>>>> Has anyone upgraded to OS Catalina? Is Finale compatible?

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? —Mary Oliver
Greg Scheer

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