Zorro wrote:
> >
> >
> >This sure sounds like your .tcsh (or .csh) file in your home directory (aka ~) if 
>not right, as there's a clause that's not properly closed. You could again try to 
>make a new, simple one with this line in it, followed by a return:
> >source /sw/bin/init.csh
> That I did after I deleted the old one.
> With pico.
> Same terminal message:
> Welcome to Darwin!
> then: then/endif not found.

Long advice:

In addition to ~/.tcshrc and ~/.cshrc, there are a couple of other files
executed at shell startup, and any of them could produce this error if
an endif is missing.

Since you seem to have fiddled with the files in /usr/share/init/tcsh,
you should check each one of them first. 
If you have followed /usr/share/init/tcsh/README and created files in
~/Library/init/tcsh, you should also check all of these. 
Finally, the files in /etc which you should not have touched, in principle:
/etc/csh.cshrc, /etc/csh.login and /etc/motd

Short advice:

Check if your new /usr/share/init/tcsh/login file has a newline at the
end. It should.


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