On Sep 22, 2011, at 6:48 PM, Javier Elizondo wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I downloaded xcode 4.1 for lion. I have also downloaded fink from source for 
> osx 10.7 and when I run ./bootstrap appeared a error messages saying
> Checking package... looks good (fink-0.31.1).
> Checking system... i386-apple-darwin11.1.0
> This system is supported and tested.
> Distribution: 10.7
> Architecture: x86_64
> Checking cc... not found.
> ERROR: There is no C compiler on your system. Make sure that the Developer
> Tools are installed.
> I thought that de C compiler should be installed with xcode, but it seems 
> that I'm wrong. 
> I will appreciate anyhelp.
> Thanks, Javier
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The file you download from the app store is the Xcode installer. Did you run 
that after you downloaded it? There have also been reports that running the 
installer twice can sometimes overcome things the installer missed the first 
time. Apple's developer tools installs have been known to be occasionally 

David Reiser

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
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