On 4/22/14, 11:39 AM, Max Horn wrote:
> Hi again,
> On 22.04.2014, at 20:19, Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.han...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 4/22/14, 10:47 AM, Max Horn wrote:
> [...]
>> Ah, that explains it.  I didn't appreciate that the logic in PkgVersion.pm 
>> only gets triggered on each build _operation_ rather than each individual 
>> package build.
> Totally understandable. The code there is quite complex and sometimes even, 
> uhm, let's say "a bit eccentric" ;-).
> There are various things about it that bother me. E.g. the names of the 
> path-prefix scripts seem to follow no particular rhyme and reason:
> - path-prefix-10.6
> - path-prefix-g++-3.3
> - path-prefix-g++-4.0
> - path-prefix-clang
> - path-prefix-libcxx
> BTW, the preinst script only removes the clang and libcxx variants, it seems, 
> not the others. On purpose?

Yes.  They're the only ones which are actually in the PATH on 10.8 and 
10.9, so they're the only ones that need 
-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future added.

> On the other hand, the install.sh script in the fink.git repository deals 
> with the first three of these, but not the latter. Again, I wonder: Is this 
> intentional?
> This is also why /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/ etc. is part of the .deb 
> (as you point out below), but the -clang and -libcxx variants are not.
>> I assumed (without having time to delve through the history) that we 
>> deliberately didn't want to regenerate the wrappers for every build 
>> operation because of potential fragility.  I wondered why the wrappers 
>> weren't encoded in the .deb, myself, since that would be even less fragile, 
>> but at the time it seemed like that change needed a bit more brainpower than 
>> I had available, and we were being swamped with "foo doesn't build with 
>> xcode-5.1" reports.
> Again: Understandable, so I indeed wonder the same... I wonder if anybody can 
> think of a reason to not put the wrappers in the .deb?
> The only thing that comes to my mind here is that putting stuff in %p/var 
> into a .deb seems wrong, but (a) we already do that for the other wrappers, 
> and (b) it would be easy enough to change the location of those files (but 
> doing that would be somewhat dangerous, as it could break already running 
> builds).
>> I personally feel that having the proper compiler wrapper setup in the .deb 
>> makes more sense than generating them dynamically--apart from fixing damaged 
>> setups, of course.  Right now on 10.7+ fink installs:
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/compiler_wrapper
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-g++-3.3/g++
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-g++-4.0/g++
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/c++
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/c++-4.0
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/c++-4.2
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/cc
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/clang
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/clang++
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/g++
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/g++-4.0
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/g++-4.2
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/gcc
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/gcc-4.0
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/gcc-4.2
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-g++-3.3/c++
>> /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-g++-4.0/c++
>> and none of these are actually used, but relies on FinkVersion.pm to install 
>> the wrappers that do get used.
> Yup. So, unless somebody can think of a good reason for this: Let's change 
> it. ONe way to do this:
> 1) Instead, use the content of ensure_libcxx_prefix and ensure_clang_prefix 
> to create new files
>    compiler_wrapper-clang.in
>    compiler_wrapper-libcxx.in
> 2) Modify install.sh to install these path-prefix wrappers in the correct 
> places.
> 3) Modify ensure_libcxx_prefix and ensure_clang_prefix to only return the 
> path, not do anything else.
> 4) While at it, we can probably do the same with ensure_gpp_prefix and 
> ensure_gpp106_prefix.
> In fact, we can get rid of these four functions, as they now only return 
> strings...
> Cheers,
> Max

My thought for #1 was a bit simpler:  just have the three 
compiler-wrapper*.in files sitting around in the source and not generate 
them dynamically at all.  I can't think of a compelling reason to do so 
if they get written into the .deb, since a "fink reinstall fink" should 
restore them if something happens.

On the other hand, if folks think that having files that go into %p/var 
in a .deb is a no-no, then ensure_gpp106_prefix already has the ability 
to create the wrapper and symlinks dynamically.

I'd advocate consistency here. :-)
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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