Two more comments about the new zlib

1) I have only a vague recollection about the earlier discussion of this.
Was zlib originally absent from darwin/OS X, and added in a later revision?
If so, do you need some kind of darwin-version test for the new package?

2) Since Apple is providing libz.h, you don't actually need it in the
new package either, do you?  If you leave it out, your package becomes
very similar to one of the new-style library packages I am proposing.
It would, in principle, be accompanied by zlib-dev which would contain
libz.h and the missing symbolic link, but essentially we are letting
Apple provide that.

3)  In fact, if we do need a version dependence, you could write zlib-dev
which Conflicts with later versions of darwin/OS X.  Then your zlib package
could have a field 
  BuildDepends: zlib-dev | darwin-version-recent

(the foo-dev packages should never go in Depends, only in BuildDepends).

  -- Dave

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