At 13:00 Uhr -0500 20.02.2002, Dave Vasilevsky wrote:
>Martin Costabel wrote:
>>I suppose Dave has libxpg4 installed. It has this effect.
>>libxpg4 sets the environment variable DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE, which
>>will break any binary that is compiled with twolevel_namespace (the
>>default) and has multiply defined symbols. I'd expect there are many
>>more binaries concerned.
>Yes, I did have libxpg4 installed, and I can verify that removing it 
>worked. I believe Fink's version of cvs also has/had this problem 
>with libxpg4, I don't have it installed now so I can't verify.
>I suggest that packages that are susceptible to this bug should add 
>libxpg4 as a conflict. Longer-term, it would make sense to build 
>them with a flat namespace if possible, or if not to wrap the 
>binaries with a shell script that unsets DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE 
>and removes /sw/lib/xpg4/libxpg4.dylib from DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES.

I don't like this at all! Building with a flat namespace can cause a 
lot of other problems.

The only "solution" long term is for Apple to finally implement the 
locale support. I heared that this is now in Darwin CVS, but I am not 
sure when we'll see it.

Hm, I installed 10.1.3 yesterday, and right now I am not getting any 
"locale not supported" messages. Could it be... :-) I rememebr that 
pan, gabber, xchat gave me such message, but none does currently. Can 
anybody confirm/deny this, or can anybody tell me a package that is 
still causing these messages?


Max Horn
Software Developer

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