At 6:09 PM -0800 3/27/02, James J. Sorenson wrote:
>Okay, I'm brand new to the list, but I've been using fink for over 6 
>months now.  Due to yor plea for us to test the unstable packages, I 
>bit the bullet and copied the packages to the local directory.  I 
>first installed the 4.20 x11-rootless distribution.  So far, so 
>good!  I am currently using it with OroborOSX 0.8 on a G4 Cube.  SSH 
>tunneling seems to be okay as well.  One improvement is that my 


Personally, I wouldn't be so scared of the unstable tree. I see 
problems here and there on the list, but in general they are quickly 
solved by the maintainers. I just run with unstable in my search path 
so I can always help test the latest versions of stuff.


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