At 21:19 Uhr -0400 01.05.2002, David R. Morrison wrote:
>In a discussion on #fink about the passwd problem, it was suggested that
>we put an announcement about the problem in the News section on Fink's
>homepage.  Appended below is a diff file for the source of that page,
>which would contain the announcement.  Any suggestions about the wording,
>or about whether this is a good idea, would be welcome.

I'd phrase it differently, more like this:


<p>2002-05-01: All Fink users are urged to update their <i>passwd</i> 
package to version 20020329 or newer. Older versions of the 
<i>passwd</i> package are affected by a bug that could lead to the 
loss of all data on your hard disk if you remove system users created 
by Fink manually from the system via the System Preferences (removing 
them via the NetInfo tool is safe). You can check the version of your 
passwd package by entering <i>dpkg -s passwd</i>. If your version is 
oudated, you can update to the current one in two ways:
<li>Via the binary distribution. First make sure you have the latest 
list of packages available: <i>sudo apt-get update</i>. Then you can 
perform the actual update: <i>sudo apt-get install passwd</i>.
<li>Via the source distribution. First make sure you have the latest 
set of package descriptions: <i>fink selfupdate-cvs</i>. Then, update 
the passwd package: <i>fink update passwd</i>
<p>See <a href="faq/usage-general.php#passwd">Fink's FAQ, question 6.3,</a>
for more information about the passwd package.</p>


This way they immediatly know which versions of passwd are affected, 
how the bug is triggered, how they can learn their version, how they 
can update it via the bin dist, and how they can update it via the 
source dist. Now to quote Dave: "Any suggestions about the wording, 
or about whether this is a good idea, would be welcome." :-)


Max Horn
Software Developer

email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
phone: (+49) 6151-494890


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