At 6:55 Uhr -0400 02.05.2002, David R. Morrison wrote:
>Martin Costabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  "David R. Morrison" wrote:
>>  > +<p>2002-05-01: To avoid inadvertantly erasing files from their disks, all
>>  > +Fink users are urged to update the <i>passwd</i> package in their Fink
>>  > +installations as follows:</p>
>>  > +<ul><li> Use "fink selfupdate-cvs", to update your fink files</li>
>>  Dave, doesn't this leave the binary-only users without DevTools out in
>>  the cold?
>>  Couldn't an updated binary be put in the dists/fink-0.4.0-updates
>>  directory on the server? I am not sure, though, how one points dselect
>>  or apt-get at this directory.
>Good point.  I can certainly put a passwd_20020329-1.deb file in
>dists/fink-0.4.0-updates, but like you, I don't know what instructions to
>give to users about using this.

The passwd package in the bindist is current already.

Max Horn
Software Developer

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