At 19:42 Uhr -0400 20.05.2002, Lloyd D Budd wrote:


>I do not know how to build the webpage to view a pretty version.  Hopefully,
>my small attachment is alrite.

Sure. But let me tell you how to "build" the web page. To test it, 
you probably should enable PHP in your Apache settings.

1) Checkout the "web" CVS module (this assume you either have th dev 
tools or the Fink "cvs" package installed):

  cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/fink login
  cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/fink co web

2) Now modify the XML in there (or copy your already modified XML 
file into the correct place

3) Make sure you have the "libxslt" package installed (required to 
"compile" the web page data)

4) cd into the "xml" subdir.

5) Type "make check" to perform a syntax check of your XML code, to 
see if you made no mistakes. Fix any you find

6) Type "make" - this will compile that XML into HTML/PHP

7) If no error happend now, type "make install", this will copy the 
newly created data into the proper spot

Now you can view the data. In my case I just made a symlink 
~/Users/fink pointing to the "web" CVS checkout, and enabled PHP in 
my apache settings, now I can use any web browser to test the web 
site locally (minus the MySQL driven parts of course).


Max Horn
Software Developer

email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
phone: (+49) 6151-494890


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