I have been extensively looking at the Fink coding and Perl 
scripts/libraries, and I think I have an idea.  I believe that much of 
the Fink code needs an overhaul.  The whole dependancy system is 
starting to break down. (See recent threads involving splitoff/shared 
libs problems)  Also, a proposed extension to the info file format, 
variants, requires a much improved system to be in place.  The recent 
storable-pm/indexing inclusion into Fink has alleviated this third 
problem, that of speed, but in the future it will be desirable to 
further increase the speed of the parser.  I would like to propose that 
the core of the fink parser be rewritten to include all recently added 
features, and fix many of the dependancy problems springing up from the 
shlibs project.  I am willing to work on this for a while.  It may not 
be an immediate transition, but I would like to transition to a faster, 
more bug free system.  I also think that it the parser is rewritten, it 
should be redone in C, C++, or Objective-C, whatever this list decides 

Everyone, please voice your opinions,
Thanks, Kyle D. Moffett


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