Hi People,

I'm the author of libsndfile ( http://www.zip.com.au/~erikd/libsndfile/ )
a cross platform library for reading and writing audio files. 

The vast majority of my development work is done on Debian Linux but I 
have a large number of users on other Unixen, Win32 and MacOS (OS 9 and 
OSX). Until recently I had few if any reports of problems. 

The problems began when I upgraded my Debian machine from Potato to Woody.
This upgrade changed the version of autoconf/automake/libtool which I had
been using to generate the source tarballs I had been distributing. The
configure/libtool scripts in the tarball now fail to build on OSX. 

Since I have recently bought myself an iBook which is running OS 9, OSX
and Linux I now have an opportunity to get to the bottom of this. However
I would not like to repeat the work of others stomping the same ground
so I ask

   1) Is anybody else having this problem?
   2) Is anybody working on it?
   3) Where are they up to?
   4) How close is a solution?
   5) Are people pushing their solutions back to the autoconf/automake/
      libtool etc maintainers?

I have tried using the Fink autoconf/automake/libtool set and reconfiguring
on OSX but this still does fix the problems on my library.

  Erik de Castro Lopo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yes it's valid)
"I once worked for a company where as part of the BS5750 "Quality"
process I attended a meeting where I was informed that it was Company
Policy not to use free software. When I asked him for his written
authorisation for me to remove X Windows from our Sun workstations,
he backtracked."   -- Phil Hunt


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