You asked why Fink Commander cannot be installed using Fink.

Here's a brief summary:  the things which Fink installs are designed to be
put into one location in the filesystem, and to stay there.  Most Mac OS X
applications, including Fink Commander, are designed so that they can be
put anywhere in the filesystem and moved around at will by the user.

If all you are ever going to do is install things, there would seem to be
no problem installing Fink Commander, or other OS X applications, via
Fink.  But if you want to be able to upgrade or remove things installed
by Fink, then Fink needs to be able to assume that whatever it installed
is still in the same location.  That assumption breaks down with OS X

Of course you can and should use Fink Commander with Fink; you just need to
install it separately.  We do have a link to Fink Commander on Fink's
"Links" page.  Perhaps we should mention it somewhere else in the
documentation, as well.  Do you have any suggestions about where?

  -- Dave


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