I have tried cups after installing kde - but there is a problem, cupsd stops
with an error that it cannot find config file $prefix/etc/cups/cups.conf. It
seems that the finkinfo file contains an error which prevents cupsd from
running. I have found a few lines where the $ sign is escaped (\$prefix instead
of $prefix). I have removed these lines and now cupsd works. I have attached
the new finkinfo file (unfortunately I didn't copy the old one so I can't
diff -ru them :-( )

Hope that helps.



Life's like a box of chocolats - you never know what you get...

                                                    Forrest Gump


Dirk Vollmerhaus


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Attachment: cups-1.1.14-1.patch
Description: Binary data

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