On Friday, November 1, 2002, at 03:56 PM, Mr. Kiwi wrote:

I am a long-time fink user, and I just successfully ported tuxracer (open source version 0.61) to work under mac os x. Indeed, the program runs like a charm. Sound, video– everything works just as it should. I retrieved the source code from <http://tuxracer.sourceforge.net/download.html>, and the program runs without an X server. To help me along, I used fink to fix some dependency problems, and I was wondering if the fink community would be interested to have tuxracer as a package.

I have little experience with creating packages for dpkg (don't have a mental roadmap of all the files needed to make the dependencies work; I remember how awful the bundle-gnome package was before someone recently fixed it up), but I would be willing to learn how to create one. I basically need to know that if I devote time to making a package, my time will be well spent.

tuxracer is SDL, isn't it? If it is SDL and has no X11 dependencies, usually i think it isn't worth it to make a fink package. It is very easy to make a double clickable Cocoa application out of any SDL game. (the OS X SDL is based on cocoa) Since it is so easy, it is often better to just do that and post the build on a website for users to download. I think tuxracer already has an OS X binary posted somewhere built into an .app.

We don't currently accept double clickable .apps in fink because they can be moved around by the user. Does this make sense, perhaps not... But its good to keep fink focused i suppose.

However if you don't feel like going to the effort of all that, we would probably accept a command line SDL tuxracer app.


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