On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 06:05 PM, Jeremy Erwin wrote:

On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 08:36 PM, Ben Hines wrote:

Anyone is welcome to check out submitted packages on the submission tracker, even if you cant commit it, you can check the packages for obvious things like shared library dependencies, "fink validate" errors on .deb file or info file etc, etc, etc. I get rather tired of explaining the same things to everyone. :)


This would be a lot easier if OmniWeb stopped calling everything it downloaded from the trackers "download.php". Can this be fixed?

I am incredibly annoyed by that as well. It is a bug in their server, i believe, but they don't seem to care:


The way I do it now is a pain but it has become second nature:

Select the fliename, copy, right click download, select "save link
to", paste the name, and select a directory.

That reminds me, i was going to make a Watson UI for the sf tracker because of this :)


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