> A: That choice is quite arbitrary. If you have a better suggestion, post
> to the fink-devel mailing list. But you should be aware of the arguments
> about /usr/local in the previous question.
> *** How about /usr/local/fink?
> Walt

OK, here's my problem with /usr/local/fink:

If you read the section of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
(http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.2/fhs-4.9.html) about /usr/local, it
describes it for use by the system administrator to install software
locally. I always look at FreeBSD as an example of this. Pretty much
anything you install in FBSD via the ports system goes into the /usr/local
hierarchy. However, it's not usually broken down by a specific package, but
the individual packages are alongside each other in the directories. So, if
I port bash, parts of it go in /usr/local/bin, others in say /usr/local/man,
etc. I feel that if Fink is going to use the /usr/local structure, it should
be managing the whole structure and not a selfnamed subfolder.

Now, bearing that in mind, I think that /opt/fink is better suited:


"/opt is reserved for the installation of add-on application software

"A package to be installed in /opt must locate its static files in a
separate /opt/<package> directory tree, where <package> is a name that
describes the software package."

So, to summarize, if you're using the /usr/local structure, you should be
installing your static files in the appropriate folders within that
structure (/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, etc), not within a self named
subfolder for all of your files; that is what /opt is for. Though that's
according to the FHS, which not a whole lot of Unices adhere to. /opt/fink
makes a lot more sense to me than /sw/fink. Also, since /opt is hidden by
default, you don't run into the confusion/problems of having the /sw
directory suddenly starting appearing when you are in the Finder (I
personally use SetFile -a V to hide it, I like a nice clean look). My vote i
s for /opt/fink.

Jason Deraleau

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