I'm just gonna do it steps, first I need BuildConflicts, which I just added, now I'm gonna add the transparent check before every build code, it'll remove and install as needed but won't ask since the first summary will cover it all anyhow. And I've got that part almost working already, but I need to make small commits in between to not confuse myself, and so other can't help find any problems if there are any in little burst as so I don't get too far ahead, but this stuff has been put off too long, and been complained about too much. So instead of my complaining about it again I just decided to do it.

Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

On 2-Dec-03, at 4:23 PM, Max Horn wrote:

I think doing this properly is a very hard task. Are you sure you're up to it? For now, it might be *much* simpler to simply change "fink remove" to use "apt-get remove" instead of "dpkg --remove". That will give you almost exactly the functionality you want w/o having to study graph theory.

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