I did announce this, and hence where Clef's comment came from.

And to a degree it's trail and error, but it's tested first it's just that I'm on top of the report, ppl want different output, reading the code essential is passed on the splitoffs from the arent but drm didn't want that to be true in remove so I switched that back, though it worked both ways and wasn't trail and error, my last commit to fix rebuild, well i tested 3 different installs but never thought of rebuild, though I fixed it right away.

The only one that was a mickey mouse fix was in the remove code with setting $vo, which I've changed now, thought I still think we need a get_currentversion(), but I didn't want to leave it broken, pogma pointed out that the first way I had it it would remove a pkg if it needed to be upgraded as I was checking for lastest version. And that was an error I needed to fix.

so as you see NONE of it was trail and error, just things that needed attention, and I wanted ppl to be able to comment and test it as I go instead of changing all at once, plus I don't want to document any of it yet as it's not ready to be used, ie BuildConflicts, I want the devel team to test it more before the public knows about it. Anyhow, I'm publicly sorry and a jack ass, and I'm done, this is odd, from the other 12 conversations on this topic the problems with buildconflicts was the engine and the problem with the engine was not check deps per build, I did both so there are no other objections. At least I didn't see any, so i wasn't ignoring anything for the other conversations.
Justin F. Hallett
Blue Falls Manufacturing Ltd.
I.T. Manager/Marketing
Tel: (780) 789-2626
Fax: (780) 789-2624

On 4-Dec-03, at 3:26 PM, Max Horn wrote:

BTW, changing some fundamental behavior of fink w/o *any* discussion, or at least announcement of that change, on fink-devel, is *really* bad.

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