> >He shouldn't need to. From the man man page:
> >...
> >More, its man page seems to require the charset in the path:
> >...in the order of precedence:
> >
> ><lang>_<country>.<charset>
> ><lang>.<charset>
> >en.<charset>
> >Have a look at fink's man or 10.3's, they should handle this better.
> Same man page as on 10.2.8, rather old (1991). What I understood (I may 
> be wrong) from Linux man pages (sorry for the reference, but they seem 
> to be more advanced in localization), the scheme you mentioned is one 
> of the recommended way to name man pages that ensured correct 
> association of lang/country/charset in the event of country with more 
> than one language and more than one charset per language. That's not 
> the scheme used on Fink, see the dpkg-dev French man pages, it's on the 
> /sw/share/man/fr/man1, it's based on LANG. I don't know how it 
> determines the correct charset. Nevertheless I tend to follow the Fink 
> way of doing it.

There is no "fink way of doing it" nor a "Linux way of doing it",
just a "man way of handling locales".

The sybpath for localized man pages are (like mentioned in recent linux
man man page):


Since territory, character-set and version are optional, the path used
by fink and linux are the same.

> Then even if the LC-xxx and LANG are set up, the loaded man pages are 
> the rooted ones, i.e. the english ones on /sw/share/man/ (default 
> proposed MANPATH)

That's because apple's man is too old or buggy and don't support that,
even if its man page mention it.

Just install a more recent man (fink's one for example) and it will
display localised man pages, following your environment settings.

Worked for me with fink's man 1.5k.

> So you have to prepend /sw/share/man/fr/ to the man path, 
> to get the French man pages. This way you'll have the French man pages, 
> if any, then the English ones.

Sure, it will work. But that's a hack :)

The way to go is to have a recent man that behaves correctly.

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