Jules Ngambo wrote:

Thank you guys for your suggestion...

Given that the compilation takes about 8 to 10 hours on a G5 computer, instead of recompiling I checked the log file of make and it seems that it is consistent, gcc is used for c files and g++ for cxx

below is an piece of the log file when making it:

The question was not about compiling, but about linking. Show some command line that does not have the "-c" flag. The best one would be the line that gives you the errors you reported in your first message. Or the one containing "-o .libs/libTKernel.0.0.0.dylib". It is always good practice for error reports to include at least the last compiler command line that led to the error message.

Then when doing "make install" we got some error " " . I wonder if that is ok. see piece of make install log below:

Which error? I don't see one in your output.

Another problem that could cause errors like you have been seeing and hasn't been mentioned here yet is that you might have a stray libstdc++.dylib lying around that could mask the system libstdc++.a.


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