I would like to add a meschach-1.2b-1 package based on the meschach-1.2b
sources and the debian patch to build this computational library. The reason
I am adding it is that pymol-py uses meschach in the pynmr plugin. Currently
we are downloading the binary MacOSX tarball of pynmr-0.37f and rebuilding it.
This is wasteful since all we need are the sources from the 
tarball which are very small...

-rw-r--r--  1 root  admin  12036054 Jul 10 19:01 pynmr_0.37f_OSX.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  admin    224998 Aug 21 00:11 pynmr_0.37f_src.tar.bz2

The proposed packaging for the new meschach-1.2b-1 package have been uploaded
to fink tracking...


along with the pynmr_0.37f_src.tar.bz2 source tarball (which isn't available
upstream since development on pynmr has ceased) and revised pymol-py packaging
to build against this reduced pynmr_0.37f_src.tar.bz2 source tarball using the
meschach-1.2b-1 package.
    I have one issue with the meschach-1.2b-1 package. Debian uses...

-Wl,-soname -Wl,libmeschach.so.$(vers)

to assign an soversion to the shared library. Since the meschach-1.2b package
seems unmaintained outside of debian, do we need to create a libmeschach.0.dylib
or can we just leave this as libmeschach.dylib? I strongly doubt we will ever
see a libmeschach.1.dylib. Thanks in advance for any feedback. The libmeschach
works fine as a replacement for the static meschach.a built from the older
meschach sources in the pynmr_0.37f binary release.

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