Op 22 jun 2010, om 05:17 heeft Koen van der Drift het volgende geschreven:

> Building your apt fails on my iMac G5, with 10.5.8; dpkg went fine.

Thanks for trying! Let's see. This looks weird...

> config.status: executing default commands
> make[262]: Makefile:11: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
> make[262]: vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable
> make[261]: *** [dirs] Error 2

Do you have a process limit set for your shell? What does 'ulimit -u' say? It 
looks like while building apt, you hit a process limit, which makes it unable 
to continue. Seeing how autoconf is horribly inefficient and forks *all* the 
time, this isn't very surprising if you do have a limit on the number of 

Does this problem repeat if you build again, with less user processes running 
concurrently? (The default value for the user process limit seems to be 266, 
and with for example 200 tabs open in Google Chrome, you hit that limit quite 
quickly. Try shutting such applications down temporarily.)

Thanks again!
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