On 16/09/15 11:43, Max Horn wrote:
> I am not 100% comfortable with changing the behavior of the make
> package like this -- people who are relying on "GNU make" will be caught
> by surprise if the "make" package suddenly does not provide gmake under
> the name "make" anymore. Also, packages which depend on "make" would
> have to be changed at the exact same time as this change is applied (for
> this I'd need to know which packages are affected, though, which I don't
> right now... do we have an effective way to do that?)

I agree with what Max says. Better than changing Fink's make package - 
as long as we do not really understand what is going on - might be to 
change the few packages that show this problem. If they don't have a 
dependency on the make package, for consistency reasons they should use 
/usr/bin/make instead of the generic "make". Not doing this is (at least 
in my case of cmake) simply a question of laziness of the maintainer and 
it would be trivial to fix.


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