> On Oct 14, 2015, at 10:33, David Reiser <dbrei...@icloud.com> wrote:
> On 10/14/2015 12:23, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>>> On Oct 14, 2015, at 09:13, Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 10:58:58 -0500, Hanspeter Niederstrasser
>>> <f...@snaggledworks.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Fink Developer,
>>>> As you may be aware, OS X 10.11 does not provide a full install of OpenSSL
>>>> in /usr (it only has the dylib, but not the headers). Therefore, the
>>>> package system-openssl-dev is no longer available on 10.11. To fill this
>>>> dependency gap, packages must transition to a Fink package that provides
>>>> SSL functionality (like openssl100 or gnutls28). I've added a list of all
>>>> packages that are currently using system-openssl-dev in the 10.9-libcxx
>>>> tree to the Fink wiki:
>>>> http://wiki.finkproject.org/index.php/Fink:Policy:system-openssl#Deprecation_of_system-openssl-dev
>>> Thanbks for checking into this! If a package has the option of building
>>> to use either openssl or gnutls, any feel for which way I should go
>>> with it?
>>> dan
>>> --
>>> Daniel Macks
>>> dma...@netspace.org
>> I’ll include the maintainer of record for gnutls*, since it looks like we’re 
>> a bit behind on that—and there’s even a 3.4.x series.
>> Clearly, if a package is going to be restricted from binary redistribution 
>> if OpenSSL is used, then gnutls is the way to go.
>> If licensing isn’t an issue, OpenSSL has a smaller dependency tree, so my 
>> inclination is to prefer it in such cases to cut down on user carping.
> gnutls doesn't follow anyone's convention that I know of. I'll have to 
> double-check, but I believe 3.3.x is 'current stable' and 3.4.x is 'next 
> in line, but still developmental'. That said, we're still behind. I'll 
> see if I can get it built in a fresh 10.11 tree.
> Dave

I’m all for current stable. :-)

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