On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 02:13 PM, Viktor Haag wrote:

Kow K writes:

As far as "what's this?" is concerned, I suggest you read
the README provided in the distribution - it covers
everything which was added.

 The fink-installed packages should also work just fine.

Actually, there is no README at all. There is only
information given within the .pkg installer, which is
incredibly annoying. IMO, there should be a separate readme
file which can be read before opening the pkg.
Agreed. This interface isn't really user-friendly. ;-)
PKG files are just funky 'bundles'.

Mount the DMG, and open a terminal window.

'cd' into /Volumes/X11\ User*/ to get into the mounted volume.

Then cd X11UserForMacOSX.mkpkg/Contents/Resources

In that directory you can see 'ReadMe.rtf'.

That should be the read-me file: you should be able to open and
read it with the TextEdit application.
Thanks for your info. I appreciate it. But it's a quite avoidable round-about. I would like to dispense with Terminal to do this tiny job. Why couldn't they just put another copy of README.rtf next to the X11UserForMacOSX.mpkg? That shouldn't be really hard.

I don't think this kind of round-aboutness is conforming to the user-friendliness that Apple's been always advertising for.


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