I am attempting to use several KDE applications ( kdebase 3.0.7-4 ) with Apple's X11 ( 0.1 derived from XFree86 4.2.1 ). It should be noted that all non-kde applications which I thus far tested run as expected ( The GIMP, xspim, xemacs ). KDE applications however generate the following error which is printed to the terminal:

kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 519 result = 0
_KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
sh: iceauth: command not found
ICE Connection rejected!

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected,
reason : None of the authentication protocols
specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
ICE Connection rejected!

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected,
reason : None of the authentication protocols
specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
DCOPServer self-test failed.

sh: iceauth: command not found
kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.
ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication.

The majority of applications then terminate. When console or konqueror are run, the above error is printed followed by the display of a dialogue labeled "DCOP communications error" containing the text:

There was an error setting up inter-process
communications for KDE. The message returned
by the system was:

Could not read network connection list.

Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!

Pressing OK results in the following messages being sent to the console:

fcntl: Bad file descriptor
fcntl: Bad file descriptor
QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty
kio (KSycoca): findFactory: we have no database.... launching kdeinit
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 538 result = 0
_KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
sh: iceauth: command not found
ICE Connection rejected!

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected,
reason : None of the authentication protocols
specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
ICE Connection rejected!

followed in the case of konsole, by this:

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected,
reason : None of the authentication protocols
specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
DCOPServer self-test failed.
sh: iceauth: command not found
kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.
konsole: cannot chown /dev/ttyp4.
Reason: Operation not permitted
konsole: setgroups: Operation not permitted

or in the case of konqueror, by this:

kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers( Browser/View, )
kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers :
servicetype Browser/View not found
kio (KTrader): No profile, using KServiceType::offers, result: 0 offers
libkonq: ## loaded: 0 entries.
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::enableAllActions false
kparts: MainWindow::createGUI, part=0x0
konqueror: WARNING: KActionCollection::beginXMLPlug() already called!
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::openURL : url = 'file:/Users/daniel/data' serviceType='' view=0x0
libkonq: KBookmarkManager::toolbar begin
libkonq: KBookmarkManager::toolbar trying cache
konqueror: main() -> no args

After these messages are printed the application window is displayed with some but not all normal functionality. In neither application is it possible to open a new window, such as a settings dialogue, although menus do appear to work. In konqueror, any attempt to access a url, whether local or otherwise results in the display of a dialogue containing the text:

Protocol not supported

Where {PROTOCOL} should be understood to refer to what ever protocol one had attempted to use, file, http, ftp, etc.

So, any thoughts?

Running the applications as root makes no difference, nor does the removal of the .Xauthority file for the current user, as was suggested to me. Though I could be wrong, I'm not inclined to think that this is a permissions related issue ( with the exception of the "/tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root" errors that I have had with every version of KDE I have ever used under every OS I have ever used it with ). But beyond that I'm open to any ideas you've got ( if you've had the patience to read this far :-b )



System Details:

Operating System : 10.2-1
Package Manager : 0.11.2
Distribution : 0.5.1.cvs
Distribution Trees : local/main stable/main stable/crypto local/bootstrap
Distribution Root : /usr/local/ports
X Window System : 0.1 ( XFree86 4.2.1 )
KDE Base System : 3.0.7-4
Compiler ( GCC ) : 3.1 20020420 (prerelease)

P.S. Please do not be offended if you bother to answer and I don't respond for a while, it's after midnight on this side of the atlantic, so it's not that I'm not grateful, only that I'm not awake.

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