Kirk R.Wythers wrote:

I'm trying to get postgresql installed. I copied the following to /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/

Don't! =)

Copy the 7.3.x postgresql, 7.2 only existed for people that needed to upgrade from the old databases.

I'm assuming you're on 10.2-gcc3.3 or 10.3, and in either case, 7.2 just won't build.

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick --
gpg: 6401 D02A A35F 55E9 D7DD  71C5 52EF A366 D3F6 65FE
* porthos grumbles ... stinking virus writers
<slackd> it's not so much the virus writers out there as it is the
  high-quality virus-reading software people have installed today

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