Martin Costabel wrote:

Benjamin Reed wrote:

if libX11 is found, Provide: x11-shlibs
if XDarwin or Xquartz (or whatever other X server names exist) are found, Provide: x11
if the headers are found, Provide: x11-dev

and then we should update all of our BuildDepends: on x11 to instead BuildDepends: on x11-dev.

This looks like the correct solution. But it would mean to change a *lot* of packages. Right now a quick grep shows more than 250 packages in 10.2/stable/main alone that Depend (not BuildDepend) on x11. Can your virtuals have a BuildDependsOnly?

Hm, not without major changes to the way we do virtuals; right now it just spits out a dpkg-compatible fake package, with Provides:.

Of course, BuildDependsOnly isn't enforced at the moment, so I suppose it doesn't matter. =D

I've gone ahead and implemented what I posted earlier in this thread in fink cvs. We'll need to figure out how to go about implementing this though.

We'll basically need to change anything with a BuildDepends: on x11 to "BuildDepends: x11-dev, fink (>= 0.18.0-1)" (or whatever fink release we end up putting out to support this).

Max, David, any comments on this?

-- Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick -- gpg: 6401 D02A A35F 55E9 D7DD 71C5 52EF A366 D3F6 65FE You had me at HELO.

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