Hi Alexander,

Okay, its seems that you are correct--I installed the older version of xemacs 
as you suggested, and that too causes X11 to crash immediately when I start 
xemacs.  It seems that my problems are worse than I thought!

The only other thing I did recently was to apply a recent Mac OS 10.4 security 
patch.  I wonder if Apple broke X11 with this patch.  I will investigate 


--- On Thu, 2/19/09, Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.han...@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.han...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Fink-users] fink installs wrong version of xemacs
To: aschou2...@yahoo.com
Cc: fink-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 6:32 AM

On Feb 19, 2009, at 4:52 AM, Aaron Chou wrote:

I am running fink on a OS 10.4 system on a Macbook Pro.  I had xemacs 
previously installed, and apparently when I ran a 'fink selfupdate' earlier 
this week, it updated my xemacs installation to a new version which no longer 
works.  After some trial and error, I discovered that fink now wants to install 
by default the unstable version of xemacs 1:21.4.20-1002, instead of the stable 
version 1:21.4.15-1002 which is listed for system 10.4/i386, according to

The information on that page is incorrect.

This happens whether I install the binary package, or install from source.  
Technically, these are the same:  you're installing the binary that you built 
on your system.
This new version of xemacs crashes immediately when starting it from an X11 
window.  On my other computer, I did not do a fink selfupdate, and so I still 
have 1:21.4.15-1002 which works fine.

I have checked that my /sw/etc/fink.conf does say "Distribution: 10.4" and that 
it is the i386 version of xemacs that gets installed by fink.  So there should 
not be any confusion about the system I am running fink on.  Just somehow the 
fink package database is not correct.

Is it possible with fink to re-install the old working version.  How do I go 
about reconfiguring fink to do this?  Or do I need to ask one of the fink 
maintainers to update the database entry for xemacs to reflect the fact that is still unstable.  
Our "unstable" is no reflection on a package's usability.  The unstable tree is 
intended to be where updates go initially until they're tested enough to go 
into the stable tree.
The website seems to have the correct information, but my installed version of 
fink gets it wrong....  
It does not  The website is supposed to be updated automatically, but this 
hasn't been working properly.  It's on the list of things to fix...


You want to install the version from the binary distribution:
sudo apt-get install xemacs=1:21.4.15-1002
(though 1:21.4.20-1002 worked OK for me on 10.4 [10.5, too]; this inclines me 
to believe that the package isn't broken)

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