Well... It basically shows up in configure saying

checking for X... no

That holds true for any package that checks for it... I only found it  
in trying to install
libxfce4mcs3-4.2.3-1003, but other packages seem to have the same  
I'm not too good when it comes to shell scripting, but to me it looks  
like the problem is
in the configure script... X11 itself seems to be fine, as Gimp.app  
Actually, a small app that uses the X11 libs for debugging GUI apps  
just built fine, but it
doesn't have a configure script... (It is called xdotool, if that  
matters -- just something I found
in an old backup for a test...)
The only idea I have on why this might happen is that some kind of  
environment variable
is unset in snowleo, which used to be set in older OS X versions...

That's about it -- I can't think of anything else that could be of any  
help at all...


On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:30 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:

> Jan Haag wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'm not sure wether or not this is the right place to ask, but on  
>> my  newly installed Mac OS X 10.6
>> it looks like any package depending on X11 doesn't find it... As  
>> far  as I understood the workflow
>> of the autoconf-script, the headers should be found, but the  
>> libraries  not...
>> The fink system-xfree86 package, including the -dev and -shlibs  
>> parts,  is installed.
>> Though it's most likely something simple I missed, I don't really  
>> have  any idea on how to fix it...
>> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> Could you give the output of a concrete example for what you mean?
> -- 
> Martin

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