On 11/26/12 3:34 PM, Stefan Bruda wrote:
> Hello,
> I am pretty sure that I saw somewhere a note about upgrading from 10.7
> to 10.8 but I cannot find it anymore.  I apologize therefore in
> advance if my question is a duplicate (and I will appreciate a pointer
> to the first occurrence...).
> I am contemplating upgrading my machine to Mac OS 10.8.  It appears
> that Fink can be upgraded in place.  After the OS upgrade I will
> therefore do the following:
> 1.  Reinstall the Xcode command-line tools (the 10.8 package this
>     time)


> 2.  Install XQuartz

Right.  The upgrade will remove your 10.7 X11.

And if you happen to forget, performing fink commands is likely to
trigger the OS to ask if you want to download Xquartz.

> 3.  fink reinstall fink

You may get a message that fink is creating the fink-bld user.  This is
normal if your fink-bld user had the old default UID of 266.  I'm not
sure what happens if the ID is in the 600-699 range, which is explicitly
set aside as being for user-defined IDs.

>     fink install perl5123-core  # is this needed at all?

Installing perl5123-core is only really important if you currently have
perlmods installed that need it.  If not, then don't bother.

>     fink selfupdate
>     fink update-all

This may not do much, depending on what you have installed.  There
aren't a whole lot of packages with different 10.7 and 10.8 revisions.

> 4.  Make sure that all the files outside the Fink base directory are
>     there by doing something like this:
>     fink reinstall `fink list -it daemonic xinitrc | cut -f2`
>     fink reinstall `fink --exclude-trees=virtual list -it passwd | \
>     grep -v "\[virtual"  | cut -f2`
>     fink reinstall `fink --exclude-trees=virtual list -it | \
>     grep -v "\[virtual" | cut -f2 | xargs fink dumpinfo -finfofile | \
>     cut -d: -f2 | xargs grep -l "[dD]aemonic" | sort | uniq | \
>     xargs grep -h -m 1 Package | cut -d: -f2` 

In addition to files, this also restores the users that the passwd*
packages install--upgrading to Mountain Lion wipes those but not their
associated groups.

> Is there anything I am missing and/or doing wrong?  This is my main
> machine so I just want to be doubly-sure that the upgrade is not going
> to break things...  Many thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Stefan

That looks good to me.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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