> On Jun 3, 2015, at 10:53 PM, Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.han...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> This isn't specific to fltk13-aqua.  Updating any package with a PkgInfo file 
> fails on Yosemite.
> While we work out a solution, the workaround would be to remove fltk13-aqua 
> and then install it, since the issue only is triggered when upgrading.
> I can't add it to the FAQ because my computer is in the shop.
> Sent from my iPod

After I also had trouble updating, I did as suggested …

        fink remove fltk13-aqua
        fink install fltk13-aqua

That worked without complaint. Which surprised me as I have octave-3.8.2 
installed and show-deps indicates fltk13-aqua.

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