On 6/15/17 4:12 PM, Bill Waggoner wrote:
On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 5:07 PM Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org> wrote:

On Thu, 15 Jun 2017 20:45:37 +0000, Bill Waggoner wrote:
I am learning Qt and have installed it with fink including Assistant. I
cloned the github project to get the examples and can run qtdemo.py and
window comes up andis responsive. I also installed the docs via fink.
the demo claims the docs aren't installed and when I try to run
from /sw/Applications/Qt5 or from /sw/lib/qt5-mac/bin/ I get a brief
in the dock that quickly disappears. Running it from the command-line
the same.

If I run the executable inside the app I get the following error:

QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
Error reading collection file '/var/root/Library/Application
Support/QtProject/Assistant/qthelpcollection_5.7.1.qhc': Cannot load
database driver..

I don't know what is doing that actual loading and I don't know what fink
package (if any) supplies that file, but it looks like the path is not
correctly set for fink's prefix.

I have sqlite3 installed but that doesn't help.

fink list shows "qt5-mac-qtsql-sqlite-plugin" but it does not find it
install or describe.

Is that what I need and How do I get it?

It's probably actually "qt5-mac-qtsql-sqlite-plugins". Using 'fink list'
sometimes truncates package names unless you use the '-t' flag. I have no
idea if that is the package you need.


Good catch! The missing 's' did it and this is the package that is needed.
Assistant runs now ...

I suggest that this sqlite package be added to the Assistant requirements.

Fixed in CVS. Thanks for the catch.


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