Dear all --

I need to solve a second order PDE in 2D of the form

A(x,y)*(eta_xx+eta_yy)+B(x,y)*eta_x+C(x,y)*eta_y = 0

on a rectangular domain. On three sides there is a BC of no normal
gradient. On the fourth side their is a Cauchy boundary condition:

@x=0, eta_x=D(y)  *AND* eta=0 @x=0

Lets assume that there is a solution that meets these boundary conditions
(i.e. I have not screwed up). Should fipy be able to solve this by
specifying (*both at the same place, *x0side)

var.constrain(0., where=x0side)
var.faceGrad.constrain(D_rank2, where=x0side)

Or will this break the numerics? My actual problem is considerably more
complex, and I want to check that this is even plausible before starting
down this path. I can make this boundary simpler, but at the cost of
considerable complexity elsewhere.

Jamie Pringle

Director Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory in the Insitute for Earth, Ocean
and Space

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences

University of New Hampshire
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