
I'm new to FiPy and I'm trying to solve a 2-dimensional problem of 2
coupled equations with 2 variables. I'm having troubles with the
boundary conditions. I checked the examples, but all examples containing
convection are 1d.
I'd be very thankful for some tips on how I can make this work!

The equations I want to solve:
\partial_x A + \partial_z B = 0
\partial_x B - \partial_z A = 0
on a box with 0<x<L and 0<z<H. Boundary conditions are
A(x,0) = B(x,0) = 0
A(L,z) = B(L,z) = 0
B(0,z) =  z
I tried rewriting my problem in terms of convection terms. Introducing
the vectors
u = (1,0),v = (0,1)
the equations above can be written as convection terms:
\nabla \cdot (u A) + \nabla \cdot (v B) = 0
\nabla \cdot (u B) - \nabla \cdot (v A) = 0

My attempt to solve this with FiPy:
# Define the domain and make a mesh
H = 50.0
L = H
nx = 20
nz = nx
dx = L / nx
dz = H / nz
mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dz, nx=nx, ny=nz)
# Create two CellVariable and initialize it to zero:
A = CellVariable(name = "normal stress",mesh = mesh,value = 0.)
B = CellVariable(name = "shear stress",mesh = mesh,value = 0.)
# apply boundary conditions
X, Z = mesh.faceCenters
# define the system of equations
eq1 = (ConvectionTerm(var=A,coeff=(1.,0.)) +
ConvectionTerm(var=B,coeff=(0.,1.))) == 0.
eq2 = (ConvectionTerm(var=B,coeff=(1.,0.)) +
ConvectionTerm(var=A,coeff=(0.,-1.))) == 0.
coupled = eq1 & eq2
# solve
# view solution
viewer = Viewer(vars=A)
viewer = Viewer(vars=B)

The solution I get is zero everywhere. It doesn't even fulfill the
boundary conditions... I experimented with some other boundary
conditions (setting some to 0. and some to 1.), the results were
somewhat different, but the resulting solution never quite fulfilled the
boundary conditions.
So I feel like I'm missing something vital about how boundary conditions
work with convection terms. Can someone give me a hint how it works and
what I'm doign wrong?

Kind regards
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