----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: Gun Statistics Expert John Lott Victim of Identity Theft

> By "chat room" Lott is referring to Usenet, and, yes, Google Groups
> lets you search Usenet.  Even if Lott is counting emails as part of
> the discussion, it still is not credible.  Almost all responses are
> posted, and emails tend to be more polite, since there is no point in
> grandstanding.

If this were true for Lott, it would be the only time in the history of
that the email was more polite than the stuff in the newsgroups--and much of
what gets posted in talk.politics.guns is incredibly rude.  While the
crowd is far more rude in talk.politics.guns than the progun side, there are
plenty of examples on both sides that are embarrassing.

I don't normally keep track of death threats, insults, and the like in
email, but
I have received my share over the years.  I do keep track of death threats
and harrassing phone calls that I receive.  I will say that I have never
received such a phone call from an antigun person.  (In fact, the only
harrassing or death threat phone calls come from one group alone, not any
of the factions associated with the gun control debate--out of all the
controversial stuff  that I have written.)

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