On 11/08/2014 15:00, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 11.08.2014 19:55, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> What's your point?
>    No exception is allowed to cross alien boundaries. Only modules built with 
> the same 
> compiler can throw and catch exceptions. Such modules has no problems you are 
> talking 
> about, so no hand-made unwind is needed.
No one is telling to pass exceptions across modules, it's quite the
contrary. The generated impl. wrapper is going to guarantee that not
happens in the Firebird code.

But an (client) application wants to generate exception when accessing
the API, and we do not know in advance what's the good classes for each

Some may use like Firebird, an Exception not inherited, others wants
std::exception, a Qt-based project would want another one...


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