Hi Jim,
I will try explain.

First, for any encoding schema, we need good interface that will be respected by all other parts of program. Now, the core of RLE is in one file, but some other parts of Firebird try to parse RLE directly.
In this situation I need clean up code to use interface.
For imagine what is not really correct, look here:
dpm.cpp - static void store_big_record(thread_db* tdbb, record_param* rpb,
                             PageStack& stack,
                             DataComprControl* dcc, ULONG size)

Second is encoding.
I agree, that your schema is better.
But currently is imposible to integrate into Firebird, because lack of interface.
I will not replace one hack by another hack.
Also, same encoding schema will be able to use for backup or wire protocol.

Why I'm diassgree with current system control chars stream generation.
Current (FB2.5.3) allocate for control stream one half of record length.
My RLE needs 66% of record length for control sream.
Thats mean, you already allocated buffer with similar size as record length.
But instead just copy, you will rescan, reallocate to get data that you can already have.
CPU and HDD is worst, RAM is litle better (max 32kb safe during writing).
I don't see any real benefit.

Is it posible to change mechanism from control chars stream into packed stream (and create new interface for encoder/decoder) ?
If yes, how can I help.
If no, can be some hack like in store_big_record moved into SQZ ?

History info: I was designed my RLE for Zilog Z80 CPU on ZX Spectrum in 80'.
It is normally operate during commpression/decompression in same buffer.

Is it clear ?


Ing. Slavomir Skopalik
Executive Head
Elekt Labs s.r.o.
Collection and evaluation of data from machines and laboratories
by means of system MASA (http://www.elektlabs.cz/m2demo)
Elekt Labs s.r.o.
Chaloupky 158
783 72 Velky Tynec
Czech Republic
Mobile: +420 724 207 851
icq:199 118 333

On 27.2.2015 19:14, James Starkey wrote:
Perhaps a smarter approach would be to capture the run lengths on the first
scan to drive the encoding.  I vaguely remember that the code once did
something like that.

Could you describe your scheme and explain why it's better?  Run length
encoding doesn't seem to lend itself to a lot of optimizations.  It's
actually a bad scheme that just to be better than the alternatives (then

Historical note:  The DEC JRD was part of disk engineering's database
machine program.  The group manager was somewhat upset that we were doing
data compression at all -- DEC, after all, sold disk drives.  I explained
that it was really an important performance optimization to minimize disk
read and writes, which seemed to have mollified him.  Before that, it just
wasn't anything that database systems did.

On Friday, February 27, 2015, Slavomir Skopalik <skopa...@elektlabs.cz>

  Hi Jim,
what happens in current Firebird if records not fit in buffer:

1. Scan and calculate commpress length
2. If not fit, than scan control buffer and calculate, how many bytes will
fit + padding
3. Compress into small area (scan again)
4. Find another free space on data page and goto 1 with unprocessed part
of record.

I'm not sure, that is it faster than compress into buffer on stack, and
made few moves.

Why RLE now, because I have it, and I'm starting with FB sources two weeks
It was easy to adpot RLE, but it was hard to understand padding.

Now, I woudlike to look into record encoding like you describe, but to be
able to do,
I have to understand, why it is designed as is.

And another point of view,
cost of changes was small and impact on size and speed high -> thats way I
was did it.

You proposal will needs much more works.
 From my point of view, isn't realistic to do it into FB2.5x or FB3.
When encoding will be implemented, will be nice to use it also for backup
and wire protocol.

Thank you for.


On 27.2.2015 16:40, James Starkey wrote:

The answer to your questions is simple:  It is much faster to encode from
the original record onto the data pages(s), eliminating the need to
allocate, populate, copy, and release a temporary buffer.

And, frankly, the cost of a byte per full database page is not something to
loose sleep over.

The competitive for a different compression scheme isn't the 30 year old
run length encoding but the self-describing, value driven encoding I
described earlier.

Another area where this is much room for improvement is the encoding of
multi-column indexes.  There is a much more clever scheme that doesn't
waste everything fifth byte.

On Friday, February 27, 2015, Slavomir Skopalik <skopa...@elektlabs.cz> 

  Hi Vlad,
as I see, in some situation (that really happen), packing into small
area is padded by zeroes
(uncomress prefix with zero length).
And new control char added at begining next fragment (you will lost 2
The differencies in current compression is not so much, but with better
one is more significant.

Finally, I still not understand, why is better to compress each fragment
separatly, instead
make one compressed block that will split into fragments.

If we have routine to compress/encode full record, we can easyly replace
curent RLE
by any other encoding schemna.

In current situation, is not easy replace corent RLE by value encoding

I finished new RLE, that is about 25% more efective than my previous post,
but I lossing lot of bytes on padding and new headers (and also 1 byte
per row to keep compatibility with previous DB).

I will clean up code and post here durign few days.

Also record differencies encoding can be improoved, I will do if
somebody will need it.

About update, I'm worry, that fragmented record will not add performace
gain durign update.


      Not exactly so. The big record is prepared for compression as a

  whole, then

  tail of record is packed and put at separate page(s) and finally what


  (and could be put on single page) is really "re-compressed" separately.

  And when record is materialized in RAM all parts are reads and



      What problem do you see here ? How else do you propose to decompress


  record ?

  If comprossor cannot fit in small space, than rest of space is padded
(char 0x0 is in use).

      Record image in memory always have fixed length, according to record


   This wastage CPU and disk space.

      CPU - yes, Memory - yes, Disk - no.

     Also, note, it allows later to not waste CPU when fields are

  accessed and

  record is updated, AFAIU.



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