>> I use instsvc a lot. It is simple, small and does the job. Why drop
>> it and replace it with something that's probably more complicated
>> to use?
> What do you use it for?

On my development machine I have several different versions of
Firebird (2.1, 2.5, 3.0 when I find the time to test it ...). The
Windows installer is unable to install more that one instance on one

instsvc is very helpful to install, uninstall, start and stop the
various services for software tests.

On customer machines it's very fast when I want to upgrade Firebird to
the next version (e.g. from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4):
instsvc stop - replace files - instsvc start - Done.

I don't even know what "PowerShell and the New-Service etc. cmdlets"
is. Sounds complicated. I have instsvc, so why should I bother?

> P.S. I ask because in 15+ years I don't think I more than 10 times.

Then you obviously do other things with Firebird than me. That's fine.



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